About Us
Friends of Fairfax County Senior Center, Inc. (FOFCSC) is a registered 501.c.3 organization and contributions to FOFCSC are tax deductible to the extent of the law. FOFCSC helps financially support the 14 senior centers* in Fairfax County to provide and engage active opportunities for adults ages 50 and over. We accept contributions from individuals and organizations. Contributions provide support for a wide variety of activities – including health and wellness, fitness, leisure and much more.
Donations can be made to the general fund which is allocated evenly among the centers or directed specifically to your center of choice. We strive to address the educational and recreational needs of our growing senior population. The FOFCSC Board of Directors consists of community representatives from each of the county’s 14 senior centers. Board Officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) are elected by the group for a one year term.
*Fairfax County Senor Centers are operated by the Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services.
For more information, click here.